7001 aluminum tube

 News     |      2022-04-22 16:24
Alloy 7001 is an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu based superhard aluminum alloy that can be strengthened by heat treatment. The tensile strength of 7001 alloy aluminum tube in T6 state can reach more than 600MPa, and the yield strength is more than 550MPa, and its strength and stiffness are higher than those of the same series of 7A04 and 7075 alloys. In recent years, with the popularity and development of outdoor sports, pipes used as hiking poles, camping tent support pipes, etc. have also been transformed from traditional fiberglass pipes to other materials with higher strength and durability. Aluminum alloy tube

7001 aluminum tube

Because of its light weight, high specific strength, good corrosion resistance, and beautiful appearance after surface treatment, it has become an ideal substitute material. Among the aluminum alloys, Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys can meet the strength requirements. However, for the Al Zn-Mg-Cu alloy, although its strength is the highest in aluminum alloys, its plasticity is relatively low, and its cold workability is poor. biggest.

In this paper, through experiments, the casting, extrusion, cold rolling, and cold drawing production processes of 7001 alloy aluminum tube pipes were studied, and high-quality thin-walled pipes that met their quality requirements were produced. Due to its high deformation resistance and poor plasticity, Al-Zn-Mg-Cu superhard aluminum alloys are usually produced by hot extrusion, and not many are cold worked. According to our experiments, Al

The 7001 alloy of Zn-Mg-Cu series has relatively good cold working properties, and can produce thin-walled pipes under certain process conditions, but the amount of cold working deformation should be strictly controlled. During the cold rolling of the pipe, the pass deformation is controlled at 50%~60%, and the feeding amount is 5~8mm; the pass processing rate during cold drawing should not exceed 30%.