7075 T6 ski pole tube

 News     |      2020-12-08 18:01
Skiing is a combination of tourism, leisure and sports, involving a variety of industries. It can be said that any kind of equipment and equipment in the ski resort is an industry, such as skateboarding, ski clothing, cable car, snow making machine, snow roller, even glasses, hats, etc., everything will drive the development of related industries.7075 T6 ski pole tube has led to the development of aluminum processing industry.

The pole is made of aluminum alloy, and the ski pole can be extruded by 7075 T6 tube. In the cold environment, the excellent performance of corrosion and rust prevention of aluminum alloy ski pole appears. The aluminum alloy forms a layer of oxide film on the surface, which can protect the 7075 T6 ski pole tube very well, so the use time of aluminum alloy ski pole will be longer.
7075 T6 ski pole tube is a kind of high-end aviation aluminum with high added value, which belongs to a kind of super hard aluminum. The main alloy element contains zinc. 7075 T6 ski pole tube has the characteristics of high strength and hardness, far better than mild steel. Typical application in golf, mold, aircraft landing gear and other purposes
In recent years, Henan Chalco adheres to the concept of industrial structure reform, development and innovation, and constantly introduces advanced technologies at home and abroad. For 7075 T6 ski pole tube, which is a relatively high-end aluminum plate, it pays attention to product quality in the production process, and can produce o-state, T6, t651 and other States, with complete requirements for the output products