Black anodized aluminum tube

 News     |      2020-08-07 16:27
Black anodized aluminum tube is a non-ferrous metal tube, is to use pure aluminum or aluminum alloy processing form of a tubular decorative materials, in many places have been used, such as: cars, ships, aerospace, aviation, electrical appliances, agriculture, mechanical and electrical, home, etc.Aluminum tube itself is relatively thin, very suitable for industrial production of thin - walled copper - aluminum tube welding technology industry.
The manufacturing process of Black anodized aluminum tube includes three processes: casting, extrusion and coloring. The oxidation treatment of aluminum tube is very important in the manufacturing process. What does the oxidation of aluminum tube mean?Aluminum tube oxidation is also called surface anodic oxidation. After surface oxidation, aluminum tube material greatly improves corrosion resistance, hardness, wear resistance, insulation, heat resistance and so on.

Black anodized aluminum tube

The oxidation of aluminum is generally carried out by acidic electrolysis. The negative oxygen ions in the electrolyte can reach the surface of aluminum and continue to form oxide film. The acidic electrolyte will chemically dissolve with the outer oxide film in contact.At this time, the thickness of the oxide film will become thicker, the speed of formation of oxide on the surface of aluminum and the speed of chemical dissolution gradually reached a larger thickness of the oxide film.At this time, the aluminum oxide film porous, easy to absorb dyes and colored materials, so as to dye, improve the decorative surface of the Black anodized aluminum tube